1977 >> July >> Spanish Insulators  

Spanish Insulators
by John Barber

Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", July 1977, page 12

At this time I would like to make a report on insulators in Spain. In March I went with our band on a trip to Madrid for a week. It was a great trip, and I saw tons of glass insulators. 

I would guess that there were about 10,000 sombreros in use around Madrid There were some huge power poles that had as many as 85 to a pole. I saw sombreros in the following colors: light green, clear, ice blue, aqua, straw, and carnival. 

I also saw several types of high voltage insulators in aqua, straw, clear, and ice blue. There seemed to be quite a bit of ice blue insulators. 

Then I saw a whole bunch of French telephone insulators and scads of glass spools. 

I don't have my book with me now, but I'll draw the general shapes of some insulators I saw.


I also saw some Hemingray 42 and Hemingray 9. 

I think there is much research to be done in Spain. But then, it's not every day that you can go over there.

Incidentally, I tried looking for insulators in downtown Madrid, but there was one problem--COMMUNICATION! 

I'll try to see what I can in Nigeria, and I'll be writing back.

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